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Understanding how asbestos air testing in Adelaide, SA is carried out!

If you own a house in Adelaide or Adelaide Hills which is over 40 years old, and you want to get a dependable asbestos testing service in Adelaide to carry out asbestos sample testing in Adelaide and asbestos air testing in Adelaide, SA, get in touch with the asbestos testing in Adelaide professionals- Clean Air Asbestos.

Sampling and testing for asbestos in Adelaide, South Australia by collecting samples from around your Adelaide Hills, SA building is what our asbestos experts undertake. After we collect the samples, monitoring the collected asbestos samples in our labs is also part of our service endeavours.

Now, you have heard about the different asbestos testing and sample check our experts carry out in South Australia. Now, you may wonder how our department folks carry out asbestos air testing. Well, you have to be in the know.

When Clean Air Asbestos is called upon to undertake an inspection of your property, if we suspect that there could be asbestos present in the building, then we go ahead and carry out an asbestos air testing and monitoring too. As part of this, there is a certain volume of air that is collected using a filter and the same undergoes testing and monitoring and is also periodically measured for a certain time period in our department labs. When this is carried out, the particles that are in the air gets trapped in the filter and is then checked in the labs using a microscope. This way, services like this also help affirm if the asbestos particles are present not just in the building but also in the air in the immediate surroundings.

For anytime asbestos monitoring, inspection, sampling, check and verification in our labs and related services, contact Clean Air Asbestos in Adelaide Hills, SA on 0408 099 327 or email us at
